Every 4th of August, all proud Greek nationalists use the so-called Nazi salute to express their love and loyalty to the Patrida, despite all the criticism they have to deal with by doing it. It needs to be well understood that the salute was not used just by the Nazis. It is the most simple form of greeting, and it's foolish to believe that nobody had used it before Adolf Hitler. The reason, us, Hellenic Ethnicists use it is because Metaxas did.
The Salute in Greece was used by the Metaxist fascist youth organization of Greece, EON.
It was also used among Greek klephts during the Hellenic Revolution.
In fact, we can trace it back to a Renaissance painting depicted Roman soldiers, that is why it is commonly known as the "Roman salute".
Although its usage in the Roman times is disputed, there is some evidence it was also used in Ancient Greece in certain periods & city-states, that is also somewhat disputed. Here's a statue of Pyrrhus of Epirus:
We are proud to use our ancestors, and we are proud to use this salute.
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