Friday, 3 May 2019

The myth of homosexuality in Ancient Greece

Modern-day LGBT activists, in an effort to enforce their ideas to the general public, create lies and exaggerations about the classical era of the Western Civilization. One of those myths is that the Ancient Greeks accepted & supported homosexuality. To be fair, there were certain periods of degeneracy in Ancient Greece, where non-intellectual Greeks accepted homosexuality (in the form pederasty, which is the modern Greek word for child molestation. Read more about it here), however, the truth is greatly exaggerated by those who have an agenda. They make it sound as if homosexuality was widely accepted by everyone, as if homosexuality was known throughout all of the periods of Ancient Greece and as if it was known in all of Greece, not just a couple city-states. A.k.a lies.

Plato - Credit

Here's what the intellectuals of Ancient Greece really thought about homosexuality & pederasty:

"It is very clear that when a man and a woman come together to reproduce the species, it gives them a pleasure that is completely in accord with nature, while the relationship between men (Arrenon) or between women (Thyleon) is against nature. It is a truly shameful act, especially if it includes rape (Aselgeia)." 
~Plato - The Laws (636) Read more here.

"To have relationships with males without their consent, this is rape and robbery; if, again, this happens with their consent, then this is the weakness (or softness, "malthakotita", related to modern day "malaka") and femininity ("thyliprepia", acting like a woman) on their part, which is against nature, as Plato says, 'to bear and to accept semen like animals.'."
~Plutarch - 751 δ-ε

"It is not for the female to behave like a man, against nature, nor for the male to lose all dignity and transform into a woman."
~Lucian of Samosata (a Syrian Hellenistic Philosopher) - "Erotes"

As you can clearly understand from the quotes, homosexuality was existent in ancient Greece (else the scholars wouldn't even talk about it) but it was not the norm, or widely accepted.

Credit: RedSkyWarning

1 comment:

  1. I'm Roman authoritarian gamerist and as a student of ancient Greek leanguage and civilization, homosexuality in ancient Greece was barely accepted if you did not show it
