If you ever become interested in ethnic groups and ethnic demographics, and more specifically in the racial origins of certain groups you might encounter what is known as a haplogroup. As much as these "haplogroups" are used by pseudoscientific Nordicists and other Nordic racialists, they seem to not be as understood by them, making those losers even more cringey. There are many haplogroups and type of haplogroups in the human species, but here's a map with the dominant ones in Europe and the areas around the continent.
As you have probably noticed, Greeks (as well as Albanians, and some southern Slavs) belong to the same Y-DNA haplogroup as northern Africans (and even sub-Saharan ones), E1! Nordicists use this as evidence that Greeks are more closely related to Africans than other Europeans - a claim that's at least funny, and at most embarrassing for the one who makes it. That claim is often made by people who lack a basic understanding of what a haplogroup is. Haplogroups are genetic lineages of the same gender (usually paternal). This map just shows the most recent common paternal ancestor between people groups. How recent that ancestor is, usually defines how closely related these groups are. If that ancestor lived in the 1800s, then chances are they still family members and closely related genetically (around 1-5% common ancestry, just in the 1800s). Maps that cover a wide area show ancestors that lived a long time ago. This common ancestor between Greeks and Africans is thought to have lived a couple thousand years ago, which would mean we have less than 0.000001% common ancestry (proven by that haplogroup, at least). Think of them as surnames that can never change. Your sister's children will not have the same surname as you. That doesn't mean you aren't related. And you 6th cousin might share the same surname with you, doesn't mean you are racially the same. In fact, he could possibly be black and you could be white. The same way somebody who is half black from his mother side, would not have an African paternal haplogroup, does that mean he's not black? So, whenever somebody tries to define you by your haplogroup, laugh it off - they are too pathetic for you to deal with. Furthermore, the European and the African subclades of E1 are distinct, and Greeks belong to the former while Africans belong to the latter, as you can see from the maps below:
Special thanks to @plutarch.research on Instagram for the maps!
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