
Greek national, religious, patriotic, nationalist, metaxist, fascist and Hellenic-national-socialist symbolism. What they symbolize the most goes first. Note: just because we post Hellenic-related symbolism here does not mean we fully agree with the ideologies.

Quotes & Mottos

  • Μάχου υπερ πίστεως και πατρίδως - Fight for faith and fatherland
  • ΕΝ ΤΟΥΤΩ ΝΙΚΑ - In this sign thou shalt conquer
  • Ελευθερία ή Θάνατος - Freedom or Death
  • Ή ταν ή επί τας - Victory or Death
  • Εκ της κόνεως μου αναγεννώμαι - Out of my ashes I am reborn
  • ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ - Dare to get it / Come and get it 
  • Ελλάς ή τέφρα - Hellas or Death
  • Ορθοδοξία ή Θάνατος - Orthodoxy or Death
  • Αέρα - "Air" (war cry)
  • ΈΝΩΣΙΣ - Union (Megali Idea)

Illustrations & symbols

1. The Labrys/Pèlekys (Double Axe) - Symbolizes Metaxism, Hellenic Fascism, Nationalism

2. Double Headed Eagle - Symbolizes Greek Orthodoxy, Greek Nation, Patriotism/Nationalism, Metaxism

3. Vergina Sun (Typically in a blue flag) Symbolizes Greek Macedonia, Greek Patriotism/Nationalism

4. Meander - Symbolizes Greek nationalism/patriotism, Hellenic National Socialism, Hellenic Fascism, Metaxism

5. Greek cross Symbolizes Greek Orthodoxy, Greek nation, Greek patriotism/nationalism

6. Chi Rho Symbolizes Greek Orthodoxy

7. Burning Phoenix Symbolizes Greek Nationalism, Greek Fascism, Metaxism

8. Gammadion (Greek Swastika) Symbolizes Greek nation, Hellenic National Socialism

9. Gammadion & Labrys / Wolfangel (Golden Dawn symbol) - Hellenic National Socialism, Greek fascism, Greek nationalism

10. Skull & bones - Greek Nationalism, Greek patriotism, Greek Orthodoxy, Greek Fascism, Metaxism, Hellenic National Socialism

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