Wednesday, 29 May 2019

The speech of Constantine XI Palaeologos, the last emperor of the Imperium Graecorum

May 29, 1453 - May 29, 2019.

The walls have fallen, our hearts have not. The Greek emperor, Constantine Palaeologos, right before the fall of Constantinople by Mehmed II, gave a great speech to his warriors - a speech that has remained in the heart of the Greek nation.

Most noble leader, illustrious tribunes, generals, most courageous fellow soldiers, and all loyal honest citizens! You know well that the hour has come: the enemy of our faith wishes to oppress us even more closely by sea and land with all his engines and skill to attack us with the entire strength of this siege force, as a snake about to spew its venom; he is in a hurry to devour us, like a savage lion. For this reason, I am imploring you to fight like men with brave souls, as you have done from the beginning up to this day, against the enemy of our faith. I hand over to you my glorious, famous, respected, noble city, the shining Queen of cities, our homeland. You know well, my brothers, that we have four obligations in common, which force us to prefer death over survival: first our faith and piety; second our homeland; third, the emperor anointed by the Lord and forth; our relatives and friends. “Well, my brothers, if we must fight for one of these obligations, we will be even more liable under the command strength of all four; as you can clearly understand. If God grants victory to the impious because of my own sins, we will endanger our lives for our holy faith, which Christ gave us with his own blood. This is most important of all. Even if one gains the entire world but loses his soul in the process, what will it benefit! Second, we will be deprived of such famous homeland and of our liberty. Third, our empire, renowned in the past but presently humbled, low and exhausted, will be ruled by a tyrant and an impious man. Fourth, we will be separated from our dearest children, wives, and relatives.
“This wretch of a Sultan has besieged our city up to now for fifty-seven days with all his engines and strength; he has relaxed the blockade neither day nor night, but, by the grace of Christ, our Lord, who sees all things, the enemy has often been repelled, up to now, from our walls with shame and dishonor. Yet now too, my brothers, feel no cowardice, even if small parts of our fortifications have collapsed from the explosions and engine missiles, as you can see, we made all possible, necessary repairs. We are placing all hope in the irresistible glory of God. Some have faith in armament, others in the cavalry, might and numbers but we believe in the name of our Lord, our God and Savior, and second, in our arms and strength granted to us by divine power. “I know the countless hordes of the impious will advance against us, according to their custom, violently, confidently and with great courage and force in order to overwhelm and wear out our few defenders with hardship. They attempt to frighten us with loud yells and innumerable battle cries. But you are all familiar with their chattering and I need say no more about it. For a long time, they will continue so and will also release over us countless rocks, all sorts of arrows and missiles, like the sand of the sea. But I hope that such things will not harm us; I see, greatly rejoice, and nourish with hopes in my mind that even if we are few, you are all experienced and seasoned warriors- courageous, brave, and well prepared. Protect your heads with shields in combat and battle. Keep your right hand, armed with the sword, extended in front of you at all times. Your helmets, breastplates and suits of armor are fully sufficient together with your other weapons and will prove very effective in battle. Our enemies have no and use no such weapons. You are protected inside the walls, while they will advance without cover and with toil. “For these reasons, my fellow soldiers, prepare yourselves, be firm, and remain valiant, for the pity of God, Take your example from the few elephants of the Carthaginians and how they dispersed the numerous cavalry of the Romans with their noise and appearance. If one dumb beast put another to flight, we, the masters of horses and animals, can surely even do better against our advancing enemies, since they are dumb animals, worse even than pigs. Present your shield, swords, arrows, and spears to them, imagining that you are a hunting party after wild boars, so that the impious may learn that they are dealing not with dumb animals but with their lords and masters, the descendants of the Greeks and the Romans. “You are well aware that this irreligious Sultan, the enemy of our holy faith, violated for no good reason the peace treaty we had with him and disregarded his numerous oaths without a second thought. Suddenly, he appeared and built his castle in the straights of Asomatosso he might be able to inflict daily harm on us.
Then he put our farms, gardens, parks, and houses to the torch, while he killed and enslaved as many of our Christian brothers as he found; he broke the treaty of friendship. He befriended the inhabitants of Galata, the wretches rejoice over this, as they are unaware of the parable of the Farmer’s son who was roasting snails and said, “Oh stupid creature,” etc. Well my brothers, since he started the siege and the blockade, every day he opens his fathomless mouth and is seeking an opportunity to devour us and this city, which thrice-blessed Constantine the Great founded and dedicated to the all holy most chaste Mother of God, our lad, Mar the eternal virgin. She became the Queen of Cities, the shield and aid of our homeland, the shelter of Christians, the hope and joy of all wishes to destroy this city, which was once proud and blooming like a rose of the field. “I can tell you that this city mastered the entire universe; She placed beneath her feet Pontus, Armenia, paphlagonia, The Amazonian lands, Cappadocia, Galatia, Media, Georgian Colchis, Bosphoros, Albania, Syria, Cilicia, Mesopotamia, Phoenicia, Palestine, Arabia, Judea, Bactria, Scythia, Macedonia, Thessaly, Hellas, Boeotia, Locris, Aetolia, Arcarnania, Achaea, the Peloponnese, Epirus, Illyria, Lykhnites, the Adriatic, Italy, Tuscany, the Celts, and Galatian Celts, Spain up to Cadiz, Libya, Mauritania, Ethiopia, Beledes, Scude, Numidia, Africa and Egypt. Now he wants to enslave her and throw the yoke upon the Mistress of Citie, our holy churches, where the Holy Trinity was worshipped, where the Holy Ghost was glorified in hymns, where angels were heard praising in chant the deity of and the incarnation of God’s word, he wants to turn into shrines of his blasphemy, shrines of the mad and false Prophet, Mohammed, as well as into stables for his horses and camels. “Consider then, my brother and comrades in arms, how the commemoration of our death, our memory, fame and freedom can be rendered eternal.”Source

Saturday, 25 May 2019

Haplogroups and why race is not defined by them

If you ever become interested in ethnic groups and ethnic demographics, and more specifically in the racial origins of certain groups you might encounter what is known as a haplogroup. As much as these "haplogroups" are used by pseudoscientific Nordicists and other Nordic racialists, they seem to not be as understood by them, making those losers even more cringey. There are many haplogroups and type of haplogroups in the human species, but here's a map with the dominant ones in Europe and the areas around the continent.

As you have probably noticed, Greeks (as well as Albanians, and some southern Slavs) belong to the same Y-DNA haplogroup as northern Africans (and even sub-Saharan ones), E1! Nordicists use this as evidence that Greeks are more closely related to Africans than other Europeans - a claim that's at least funny, and at most embarrassing for the one who makes it. That claim is often made by people who lack a basic understanding of what a haplogroup is. Haplogroups are genetic lineages of the same gender (usually paternal). This map just shows the most recent common paternal ancestor between people groups. How recent that ancestor is, usually defines how closely related these groups are. If that ancestor lived in the 1800s, then chances are they still family members and closely related genetically (around 1-5% common ancestry, just in the 1800s). Maps that cover a wide area show ancestors that lived a long time ago. This common ancestor between Greeks and Africans is thought to have lived a couple thousand years ago, which would mean we have less than 0.000001% common ancestry (proven by that haplogroup, at least). Think of them as surnames that can never change. Your sister's children will not have the same surname as you. That doesn't mean you aren't related. And you 6th cousin might share the same surname with you, doesn't mean you are racially the same. In fact, he could possibly be black and you could be white. The same way somebody who is half black from his mother side, would not have an African paternal haplogroup, does that mean he's not black? So, whenever somebody tries to define you by your haplogroup, laugh it off - they are too pathetic for you to deal with. Furthermore, the European and the African subclades of E1 are distinct, and Greeks belong to the former while Africans belong to the latter, as you can see from the maps below:

Special thanks to @plutarch.research on Instagram for the maps!

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Why we use the "Nazi" salute

Every 4th of August, all proud Greek nationalists use the so-called Nazi salute to express their love and loyalty to the Patrida, despite all the criticism they have to deal with by doing it. It needs to be well understood that the salute was not used just by the Nazis. It is the most simple form of greeting, and it's foolish to believe that nobody had used it before Adolf Hitler. The reason, us, Hellenic Ethnicists use it is because Metaxas did.

The Salute in Greece was used by the Metaxist fascist youth organization of Greece, EON.

It was also used among Greek klephts during the Hellenic Revolution.

In fact, we can trace it back to a Renaissance painting depicted Roman soldiers, that is why it is commonly known as the "Roman salute".

Although its usage in the Roman times is disputed, there is some evidence it was also used in Ancient Greece in certain periods & city-states, that is also somewhat disputed. Here's a statue of Pyrrhus of Epirus:

We are proud to use our ancestors, and we are proud to use this salute.

Sunday, 12 May 2019

The genos

The concept of the genos/yenos (γένος) seems to be a very specific notion, which only exists in Greece, or at least is mostly prevalent there. Whenever our ancestors made sacrifices for our nation, they said they did it for our genos.

  • "Us, the genos of the Rhomans[..]" -Chronicle of Morea, a 14th-century book, written by an unknown author. By "Rhomans/Romans/Rhomhaoi", the author is referring to the Greek-speaking Orthodox Christians of the Imperium Graecorum, the Greeks.
  • "The genos of the Hellenes, if it has survived until today, [...] it owns it to a miracle."-Kazantzakis
  • "The Hellenic genos could prevail if it were politically united."-Aristotle

This word was especially used during the Greek war of independence by Kolokotronis, Rigas Pheraios and others.
From the context, one would assume the word is Greek for "nation". This is incorrect - the Greek word for nation is "ethnos". Instead, genos means race, but it is a more complicated than that. It means common ancestry, and can be used in all scales. For example: oikogenia (also latinized as Oikoyeneia/Ikoyenia, Οικογένεια) literally translates to "house-race" (Oikos = house), and it means "family", while genos itself can mean a whole racial group, or an extended family. Etymologically, the words gene, genetics, etc. are derived from this word.

This word and its usage show how ancestry still plays an important role in the Greek society. Indeed, Greece is one of the few European countries whose citizens believe that common ancestry is just as crucial to becoming a member of the nation, as other factors, such as culture and language. Of course, the people who actually believe that in the country are a minority, but still a lot when compared to other European nations that have been destroyed by degeneracy.

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

El Greco - Life & works of a great Greek

Domenikos Theotokopoulos, also known as El Greco, was a Greek artist of the Spanish Renaissance. He was a painter, a sculptor, as well as an architect. His signature was "Domenikos Theotokopoulos of Crete", in Greek letters. He was born in the Venetian Kingdom of Candia, which was basically Crete, in 1541. He came from a rich Greek family, and his father was a merchant

He practiced his arts in Greece. Like many Greeks at the time, he moved to Venice when he was 26. He was an expressionist and his art was a mixture of Byzantine Greek and western art. In 1577 he migrated to Madrid, Spain, where he created most of his paintings. Here are some great examples of his work:
The Ecstasy of St. Francis of Assisi (c. 1600)
Christ blessing (The Saviour of the World) (1600)
View of Toledo (c. 1599)

Laocoon (Laocoonte) (1610 - 1614)
The Burial of the Count of Orgaz
El Expolio

Friday, 3 May 2019

The myth of homosexuality in Ancient Greece

Modern-day LGBT activists, in an effort to enforce their ideas to the general public, create lies and exaggerations about the classical era of the Western Civilization. One of those myths is that the Ancient Greeks accepted & supported homosexuality. To be fair, there were certain periods of degeneracy in Ancient Greece, where non-intellectual Greeks accepted homosexuality (in the form pederasty, which is the modern Greek word for child molestation. Read more about it here), however, the truth is greatly exaggerated by those who have an agenda. They make it sound as if homosexuality was widely accepted by everyone, as if homosexuality was known throughout all of the periods of Ancient Greece and as if it was known in all of Greece, not just a couple city-states. A.k.a lies.

Plato - Credit

Here's what the intellectuals of Ancient Greece really thought about homosexuality & pederasty:

"It is very clear that when a man and a woman come together to reproduce the species, it gives them a pleasure that is completely in accord with nature, while the relationship between men (Arrenon) or between women (Thyleon) is against nature. It is a truly shameful act, especially if it includes rape (Aselgeia)." 
~Plato - The Laws (636) Read more here.

"To have relationships with males without their consent, this is rape and robbery; if, again, this happens with their consent, then this is the weakness (or softness, "malthakotita", related to modern day "malaka") and femininity ("thyliprepia", acting like a woman) on their part, which is against nature, as Plato says, 'to bear and to accept semen like animals.'."
~Plutarch - 751 δ-ε

"It is not for the female to behave like a man, against nature, nor for the male to lose all dignity and transform into a woman."
~Lucian of Samosata (a Syrian Hellenistic Philosopher) - "Erotes"

As you can clearly understand from the quotes, homosexuality was existent in ancient Greece (else the scholars wouldn't even talk about it) but it was not the norm, or widely accepted.

Credit: RedSkyWarning

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Who are the Barbarians?

In Ancient & Modern Greece

In Hellenism, the distinction between Greek and non-Greek/foreigner/Xenos is very important. Since ancient times, the Greeks used two main categories for the people: "us" and "them". This is evidence of a common Greek national awareness among the politically divided ancient Greeks.
The word Barbarian ("Βάρβαροι") was used, and is still used, by the Greeks to refer to all the people who were not linguistically Hellenic (aka non-Greeks, since language was an important element of Hellenism), or had not been linguistically Hellenized. Barbarian as a word has a very negative connotation, nowadays, and it seems to have been like that since the classical era, although it wasn't originally meant to be used that way. This is because everyone who was not a Hellenophone was considered uncivilized and primitive, so the term eventually came to mean what it means today.

Longobard Barbarian warriors

It's important to note that it didn't always mean non-Greek, even in ancient Greece, and that many Greeks used it against other Greeks. For example, Prodicus of Ceos called "barbarian" the Aeolian dialect (a clearly Greek dialect), Athenian scholars called the Macedonians "barbaric", clearly for political reasons, since Athens' position as the city-leader of Hellenism was threatened by the rapidly growing Macedonian Kingdom, et cetera.

In the Roman empire

Once the Romans conquered the Hellenic world, the idea of such a distinction attracted them greatly, to a point where they decided to copy it and apply it to their own Latin civilization. Of course, since the idea was originally Greek, and since their civilization was influenced by the Greeks, they could not exclude the Greeks from the "us". So the term's meaning changed from "non-Greeks" to "non-Greeks and non-Latins".

Gaelic "barbarian" in front of Roman emperor Gaius Julius Caesar

Everyone who did not speak Greek or Latin was considered a Barbarian (which at the time also meant primitive and uncivilized). More specifically the term was used for Germanic tribes like the Goths, the Visigoths, the Longobards, as well as the Celts, the Gauls, the Berbers, and even the Thracians and the Illyrians, two Hellenic-like peoples who probably spoke languages that were similar to Greek.

In the Imperium Graecorum, medieval Greeks used the term barbarian was, again, for non-Hellenophones (even westerners), but mostly for Turks.


Today the term is still used by modern Greeks to refer to non-Greeks, but usually in a joking manner, while few are the Greeks who use it with hatred towards the subject. The term may be used for all non-Greeks, no matter whether those are civilized, Europeans, whites, etc or not, although philhellenes and those who appreciated Hellenism are excluded.

Also, certain White Nationalist groups use it, but it is ironic (especially when used by Nordicists and Germans against Southern Europeans like Greeks and Italians), considering what the term actually means. I cannot help but cringe every time I see that happen.

~Michael C. Dim