Tuesday, 13 August 2019

The problem with capitalism

As you have probably realised from the title, this post will be about capitalism. Many right wingers, even authoritarians, nationalists et cetera, support capitalism and the free market. However, the truth about capitalism is that, although it has the right ideas (competition, success for the hard worker and the superior one), it has many holes that lead straight to degeneracy.
As we all know, in capitalism, corporations and international businesses try to convince the people that they are poor, creating that way more needs which can be later satisfied by the services of the very same corporations. They are basically trying to make the people try to spend more. This is an extremely dangerous vulnerability of capitalism that if left unfiltered can damage the society. Let us consider this example: western females tend to spend a considerable amount of money on make up, clothes and fashion. Many of these needs are new and haven't existed up until the last century. Corporations like these would get double the money if men were to start spending an equal amount of money on fashion. This is one of the reasons why lately men have been wearing make up, shaving their legs etc. This tendency has blurred the lines between male and female, making it easier for leftists and the N.W.O to spread their propaganda. Think about it, just two months ago all huge online service companies supported the "LGBT month" by changing their logos, releasing videos etc, not really because they care, but because they gain from it. They gain the support and love of the ignorant liberal. They become "trendy" and relatable to the youth etc.
tl;dr Companies care more about their income than their people.
My suggestion is not far from capitalism, in the sense that it has the same core idea: competition, but at the same time has filtered such holes. To you I present: Corporatism. Basically Capitalism with some government intervention to filter out the degeneracy. This system helped Italy and a variation of it is the reason why Nazi Germany was so powerful economically.